Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Feb 18

Celebrated Kane's birthday with an ice cream cake. Then headed to Pensacola beach. It was really windy so we decided to eat a late lunch at Flounders. Ezra and Alex enjoyed the beach playground while we ate seafood nachos, oysters, and boiled shrimp. Afterwards we walked the mall and got the kids some new sunglasses. Kane rented Lawless and the kids headed to bed early after a fun day with family.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 14

Happy vday! Kane was off so we went to mall to play then treated the kids to chic fila. Law and Ezra had pizza and went to see wreck it Ralph at the theater. Alex and I went to winterjam concert with Ann! Mathew West, Jaime Grace, newsong, Toby Mac, sidewalk prophets, etc performed. So much fun.

Feb 17

Navarre beach with family.
Grandpa Curtis came over with Genesis. Everyone had a ball outside.
Grilled steaks and watched British comedy.

Feb 16

Arrived Saturday at Milton Florida after picking up grandma Curtis in Atlanta. Uncle Klint bought a new home so we call came to visit. Uncle Kyle flew down for the weekend too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13

Alex said after pre school a little boy named Aaron kissed her on check and gave her a hug!!!

Feb 12

Today was great! We had a valentines day painting party with our friends. Ezra made a canvas with the letter e. Alex made an pretty a.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb 12

Today was great! We had a valentines day painting party with our friends. Ezra made a canvas with the letter e. Alex made an pretty a.

Jan 10

Jan 9

Marker handprint craft with Alex and mommy's hand. Today we played in the backyard and Alex and I prepped the square foot garden for late winter veggies like lettuce and radishes.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feb 9th

Saturday morning pancakes!!

Coloring with markers!!!

Uh oh, Ezra snuck away with a blue one...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Feb 8th

Kroc center with Sarah, little Merritt, and Mark as well as Emily & Henry. The boys had a great time in water. I cannot believe how much the have changed in a year and a half!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb 8th

Kroc center with Sarah, little Merritt, and Mark as well as Emily & Henry.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Feb 7

Today is Esther's death anniversary. She was my closest cousin. She died on feb 7th 2007. Her middle name is Jane just like mine and Alex's.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013